Simple Travel App using Cubit

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🔥 This is a simple Travel App built with Flutter framework


  • List Places
  • Detail Places

📸 Example iOS

Modularization Structure 🔥

# Root Project
├── lib                    # Name of module (default from Flutter)
    ├── cubit              # Cubit state, Logics
    ├── misc               # Style (color static)
    ├── model              # Data Model
    ├── pages              # UI pages
    |   └── navpages       # Navigation Bar
    ├── services           # API Services
    └── widgets            # Custom widget which can be used repeatedly.

Built With 🛠

  • BLoC Pattern (Cubit) – Business logic component to separate the business logic with UI.
  • Equatable – Being able to compare objects in Dart often involves having to override the == operator.
  • http – A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests.
  • Animation – A flutter package to simplify the implementation of “show up” animation.


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#Flutter #BLoC #Pattern #Http #Animation

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