Jetpack Compose App – ViewModels in Navigation, Flows, MVVM

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Learn Jetpack Compose in Android. Learn how viewmodels are scoped inside Navigation Framework. We have covered the how viewmodels are managed in compose. We want to create viewmodels that are linked to every screen. For achieving this, NavBackStackEntry is used as a lifecycle owner. Composable functions that are used to define screens have viewmodel scoped to them. ViewModel will remain in memory till the screen is visible. Along with that, learn how to use Scaffold, TopAppBar in Compose. This follows the material design layout structure in an android app.

Implement Loading Screen using StateFlows in a MVVM Based Compose App. Learn how to use different states of StateFlow to show loading indicator or loading image. Learn how to inspect HTTP calls using AppInspector – Network Inspection Tool. Learn this step by step – how to setup navigation framework using Jetpack Compose Composable Functions. Learn ViewModel Scoping inside Compose, LifeCycleOwner as NavBackStackEntry in Navigation Framework with Compose.Everything is explained in Hindi (हिन्दी)

Topics covered –

  • 1. Implement AppBar or Toolbar in Compose using Scaffold.
  • 2. Material Design Scaffold.
  • 3. Change StatusBar Color in Compose.
  • 4. Inspect HTTP Calls & Loading Screen Implementation in Compose.
  • 5. Jetpack Compose Project with MVVM setup video.


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