MADENS – Education App Like Udemy Built Flutter

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Madens is an application where instructors add courses and students can purchase this course. Mobile part is written with Flutter and backend part is written with .net.

Application Features

As Student

  • Login, Register
  • Search Course
  • Add Course To Basket
  • Remove Course To Basket
  • Buy Courses
  • Watch Your Purchased Videos
  • Change Password
  • Delete Account

As Teacher

  • Login, Register
  • Add Course
  • Change Courses Image
  • Add Curriculum to Course
  • Add Video to Curriculum
  • Remove Course
  • Change Password
  • Delete Account

Application Structure


  • Mvvm, Mvc

State Management

  • Cubit (bloc)


  • Go router


  • Http, Dio


  • Splash Screen
  • Onboarding
  • Change Theme
  • Localization
  • Caching


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#Flutter #EducationApp #FullCode

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